Fuel surcharge

02. January 2025 | Company Infos


The current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 01 January 2025 is now available.

Further updates will follow as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The provisional current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 01 January 2025 is now available.

An update will follow as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 20 August 2024 is now available.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 18 June 2024 is now available.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 01 January 2024 is now available.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The provisional current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 01 January 2024 is now available.

An update will follow as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 13 September 2023 is now available.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 28 June 2023 is now available.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 22 March 2023 is now available.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



The current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from January 2023 is now available.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



Fuel prices continue to rise sharply. As a result, we cannot currently assume that prices will settle at a stable level in the foreseeable future. In order to be always up-to-date, the price overview will be updated weekly for the time being under constant observation of the daily prices. Please find below the current price overview in Austrian local transport for the fuel surcharge from 16.03.2022.

Furthermore, local transports to German delivery points are also affected by the fuel price fluctuations. For these shipments we charge a flat rate fuel surcharge in the amount of EUR 28.- per container.

In contrast to short-distance transports, long-distance transports are based on daily prices and accordingly the current fuel surcharge can only be announced in the course of the transport.

Please note that the increasing fuel prices also affect the seaport transhipments in Hamburg or Bremerhaven and the prices will be increased analogously by 10% per transhipment.

We would like to point out again that the amount of the fuel surcharge depends on the applicable fuel price at the time of the actual transport date. Roland Spedition therefore reserves the right to adjust the price at a later date.

We are monitoring the situation on the fuel market very closely – If the situation should ease again, the fuel surcharge will of course no longer be charged.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.



A dramatic development of rising fuel prices is also becoming increasingly apparent in Austria and is already causing massive problems for trucking companies. For this reason we see the introduction of a fuel surcharge in the trucking sector as indispensable. However, in order to give you sufficient lead time for communication and implementation, we will introduce the fuel surcharge only as of March 16, 2022.

We will inform you in more detail about the specific amount on a weekly basis. The calculation of the fuel surcharge will be based on the average fuel prices – for this purpose, we will use the fuel prices published by the Federal Ministry, available at the following link: Aktuelle Treibstoffpreise (bmk.gv.at). Currently, the fuel price has increased by about 29% compared to our calculation in November 2021 and means an increase of the trucking net freight rate by about 6.2%.

As the price of fuel fluctuates widely at the moment, the fuel surcharge shown on your order confirmation may still change subsequently and this is only a snapshot and should therefore be regarded as a guide only. The average price is updated weekly and may change until the actual transport date. The amount of the fuel surcharge is therefore based on the applicable fuel price at the time of the actual transport date. Roland Spedition therefore reserves the right to adjust the price at a later date.

If the situation on the fuel market should ease again, the fuel surcharge will of course no longer be charged.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the entire Roland Sales Team.


Price lists for fuel surcharge

Please find here a price overview, which is updated regularly.

Please find here the current price overview.

Note: Subject to modifications and errors.

Please find here the current price overview.

Note: Subject to modifications and errors.

Please find here the current price overview.

Note: Subject to modifications and errors.

Please find here the current price overview.

Note: Subject to modifications and errors.


Roland Spedition GmbH
Email: office@rolsped.com
Concorde Business Park 1/B2/32
A-2320 Schwechat

T: +43 1 728 37 43

F: +43 1 720 22 40

Terminalstraße 2
A-5071 Wals

T: +43 662 854 351

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